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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6dpIUI #1 and going crazy

I'm going crazy. Time is crawling...I'm only 6dpiui and I feel it has been weeks. And I feel nothing - an occasional cramp, but overall n-o-t-h-i-n-g. Yet I can't stop obsessing...  It's so hard not to get your hopes up and to keep it realistic.

Let us analogize to weather. If it says, "There is a 20% chance it will rain today,"  do you know what that means? I'm planning an outside BBQ or to go to the beach. That means NO rain is probably coming. Yet, when it comes to pregnancy, we hold on to the 20% chance like it is some huge number. Why is that?

I can't focus at work. I mean I'm still getting my hours in, but my work product is bound to suffer. I just want to know "yes" or "no" for sure. I'm 8dp trigger shot, so I may test in the morning to see if the hCg is all out of my system. I will let you know.

It would seem like such a waste to get a BFN when I had 4 mature follicles. If I can't get pregnant off that, then when can I?

Pet peeve of the day: People who say "I get pregnant when my husband just looks at me." Good for you.

1 comment:

  1. I also liked when people would tell me that I "should just relax" because I wasn't getting pregnant because I was "stressing about it"

    I wanted to say, "Oh, so if I just RELAX all infertility issues will go away and magically, I will become pregnant??" Sheesh, some people!!!
